An in depth interview with Kiyoko Essley, mother of Ben J of “New Boyz”.
Shariff: When was the first time you heard about the group “New Boyz, and what was your initial response?
Kiyoko: The 1st was when they told me they were going to call themselves New Boyz in Spring of 2008. My response was "why?. Once explained to me. I was like How cute.
Shariff: What was your reaction the first time you saw your son wear Skinny Jeanz?
Kiyoko: I wasn’t upset. I'd previously fought him every day about the baggy jeans, that when they turned skinny, I was grateful.
Shariff: There have been a lot of changes in your life recently, both business and non-business related. For you what are some of the most important ones?
Kiyoko: Recently my family and I decided that it would be best for us to step away from the New Boyz Management, and focus on my other smaller children (Ariel, and Yung Marc) and their goals. However, I am still managing Ben J on his film and TV projects. Currently working on a Movie, and Tha Manager and I are having a New Baby Boy!
Shariff: What is the biggest life lesson you have learned over the past year?
Kiyoko: There are so many, But most importantly Pray, Pray, Pray and watch out for the Prey's... Period!
Shariff: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Kiyoko: I'm a Day by Day person, so I never look that far in the future. But the only place I would want to be is closer to God, and with that I will continue to be a blessed woman.
Shariff: What role did the mothers play in growth of The Jerk Movement?
Kiyoko: I believe a lot of these mothers, really are trying to support their children and keep positive energy around them. Not only do we help our children, but we also help other children who don't have the parent support. Which definitely builds confidence in these kids, and motivates them to keep going. We are all mothers to this movement. We offer love, advice, and opportunity to them all. And in our community, that's huge.
Shariff: What are your all time favorite Jerk songs?
Kiyoko: My favorites would be "Skinny ass Nigga, Skinny ass Jeans" (YT), "I Go Hard"(Tay F 3rd, YG) I enjoy New Era (all of her music) Asia Lynn (All of her stuff) You're a Jerk (of course) because I was their in the making. A lot of the old stuff.
Shariff: What are some of your future projects?
Kiyoko: Currently working on Ariel, My daughter. She interested in music, However right now we are focusing on film and TV. She is taking acting lessons, and we just acquired an agent for her. And my Yung Marc, film and TV, he just recently did a cameo in the Chris Brown and Tyga video. He wants to be a dancer/rapper but he's way to young. So we put him where we can to get him the exposure. Also, I am working on a movie, which is currently in the writing process. And a few more things coming up in 2010.
Shariff: How would you describe the feeling of seeing your oldest son on stage?
Kiyoko: Its really exciting for me to watch him perform, because the girls just love him and the guys want to be like him. One woman told me that she watched my face as he performed his 1st big show, and it just lit up so bright, and she thought i was his girlfriend! I laughed, but it makes me proud, because I worried I really worried when his senior year came. I almost sent him the the Air Force.
Shariff: How has Ben J’s success affected your extended family?
Kiyoko: Everybody is really happy for him, and very proud. I congratulate everyone in my family, because we all raised him, and we all should take credit for his success. It's actually brought us closer as family.
Shariff: Where did you grow up and what motivated you to move to Victorville?
Kiyoko: I lived in Compton, Ca til I was eight. Then we moved to South Central La. I was there until I was like 25 yrs old. I had Ben J when I was 15 yrs. So I was always looking for a better place to raise my son. We moved to Long Beach, and that was worse, because he was such a leader, and he created clicks a groups everywhere we went. So my last destination was Victorville in 2005. I just didn't want him to go to high School in LA.
Shariff: What about The Jerkin Movement has affected kids in a positive way?
Kiyoko: They have something that belongs to them. If anyone has questions about it, they have to ask them (the kids) about it. It's turned local nobodies into international and national celebrities. It has created a confident generation of children, which is key to growing successful business and having successful lives.
Shariff: Who is the next big Star in The Movement?
Kiyoko: Wow! There are so many of them.. But of course, I’m gonna have to go with my Yung Marc. And I have to say Mike Almighty. He is very talented and disciplined. And he is working with some really great Starmakers.
Shariff: What do you think about the “Cricketz” video?
Kiyoko: I like it. Only because it's simple and to the point.
Shariff: If you were in high school today, would you be in The Jerk Movement?
Kiyoko: Hell! I would be the Star of that Muthasucka! :-)
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