Jerkin isn’t a dance movement, it is a business model. The Jerk/Skinny Jeanz Movement is the fastest growing business model in the world…..
”Shariff, what are you talking about? The Jerk Movement is about kids doin the Pin Drop, Reject, and the Dougie, wearin skinny jeanz”.....
Naw homie, Jerkin Crewz are what economists would call “organic social based businesses” focused on exploiting the imageries, personalities, and intellectual properties of a Crewz’ participants. If you ask me, President Obama should invest $1 billion of the stimulus funds into incubating these social based businesses called “Jerk Crewz”. Since the main focus of every Jerkin Crew is to exploit the images and personalities of its participants and the growth vehicle is contingent on the popularity of the brand, the job creation possibilities are infinite……
”Shariff, how can a Jerkin Crew have something to do with job creation?”
By becoming a member of a Jerk Crew you assume the role of participant in the Crewz’ on/offline promotions; in essence, the members of the Crew have a job of self promotion within a collective. A Crewz’ popularity determines its economic opportunity. Out of the thousands of Jerk Crewz existing around the world, only a few have been able to secure private funding to grow their business models. I should fill you in on the fact that in the near future the biggest commodity on US soil will be brilliant personalities with vast social networks. It makes perfect sense. The world wide web creates a vast need for content a thousand times that of television and cable combined.
In investing $1 billion dollars, our country could incubate 7-10 million businesses/Jerk Crewz, mostly organized by teenagers who are totally focused on exploiting their individual personalities across the world on the internet. With $1 billion spread across America, in the hands of The Jerk/Skinny Jeanz Movement, imagine how many bank accounts will be opened or how many different forms of apparel and merchandise items could be manufactured. Imagine how much money cities would save not having to spend money on gang and drug law enforcement. Or what about the decrease of prison populations or the trillions of tax dollars generated for the nation through the exchange of these personalities and brands?
I have a lot more logic to share around the ability of Jerk Crewz to revitalize the US economy, but the purpose of this blog was to announce the beginning of my journey to raise $1 billion for 7-10 million Jerk Crewz across the US to expand their business models. This effort can be best summed up by the lyrics of Legacy of the New Boyz in the song titled “So Dope”: “I’m dope and the dealer, I sell myself.”
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