When you read Young Ace’s interview, you hear a consistent theme of self-promotion. For individuals who have spent most of their lives promoting and marketing products and services, the idea of self-promotion sounds absurd and narcissistic. In the 21st century, products are manufactured for a tenth of the cost in Asia and most technical services are being outsourced to India for a penny on the dollar. So, my question to all of my college educated readers is: What is left in America if products and services are being created and serviced overseas? Okay, let me rephrase that. After you graduate from high school or college, what industry do you decide to work in for long term stability? If you ask Young Ace, CEO of “Kream Kids” a Los Angeles based Jerk Crew, he would say the only thing worth promoting is yourself. I would have to agree with him, my suggestion is to find something you are good at doing, share it with people through technology around the world, or better yet, ask some of the local Jerkin kids in the neighborhood like Young Ace how they became famous and profitable on/offline. The thinking and practices of The Jerk/Skinny Jeanz Movement, as it relates to the commoditization of self and exploitation through the internet/social networks are, in my opinion, the solutions to resuscitate the world economy.
Don’t be ashamed to promote yourself. You are valuable and the world needs you!
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